
Submit an article

Submit an article

    PART 1 – Personal information

    PART 2 – Upload article’s main image

    Min width: 1920px, min length 1080px, max size 1mb, file types: jpg, jpeg, webp. png, svg, pdf.

    PART 3 – Upload up to 8 article’s images

    Min width: 1920px, min length 1080px, max size 1mb, file types: jpg, jpeg, webp. png, svg, pdf.

    PART 4 – Article details

    Max 18.000 characters with spaces. To insert a photo or file (uploaded above) into your text, just refer it with the code: [file-name.*]. If you do not insert any code, your photos will be posted as a photo gallery in the middle of the article and the uploaded files will be posted to the end of the article. To insert a video or a URL link just copy & paste the URL into your text where do you like to appear.
